How Gorillas adapt to their Environment

Gorillas are giant wild apes living in the wild, there are roughly 700 mountain Gorillas remaining in the world, half of them live in the forests of Virungas Mountains. They live in countries including Uganda, in Bwindi impenetrable forest and Mgahinga, others in Rwanda and Democratic Republican of Congo.
Mountain Gorillas adapt to their colder rain, tropical mountainous Gorillas have a number of adaption which they involve in their day to day life that allow them to survive in the rain forest parts in the central parts of Africa, the social nature, habitat, herbivorous and expressive faces.
They have longer and thick fur which they adapt to their colder rain tropical rain forest. Gorillas in their habitats form a group of 12 members with their leader the silverback, who leads and protects the group. Gorillas are protected in their social nature, which helps them to find food. In order for the society to grow well they involve in a number of ways to communicate.
They use body languages and vocalization, in addition to that they have expressive faces which allows them to convey emotions, needs and desires to their members in the group. They adapt to their environment by existing in vegetation, they do not expand their energy by chasing and killing prey.
The trees and plants provide food which is their main nature food, they have small fingers which they use to break shells off the fruits with their big bodies which they can use to fight off others who want to steal their food. When Gorillas smell or hear a threat their very secretive, they move quietly to avoid detection.
Tags: blog, Bwindi, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park, hotel, Mountain Gorillas, travel